
Model prediction based on machine learning is provided as a service in cloud environments, but how to verify that the model prediction service is entirely conducted becomes a critical challenge. Although zero-knowledge proof techniques potentially solve the integrity verification problem, when applied to the prediction integrity of massive privacy-preserving Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), the significant proof burden results in low practicality. In this research, we present psvCNN (parallel splitting zero-knowledge technique for integrity verification). The psvCNN scheme effectively improves the utilization of computational resources in CNN prediction integrity proving by an independent splitting design. Through a convolutional kernel-based model splitting design and an underlying zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive knowledge argument, our psvCNN develops parallelizable zero-knowledge proof circuits for CNN prediction. Furthermore, psvCNN presents an updated Freivalds algorithm for a faster integrity verification process. In terms of proof time and storage, experiments show that psvCNN is practical and efficient. psvCNN generates a prediction integrity proof with a proof size of 1.2MB in 7.65s for the structurally complicated CNN model VGG16. psvCNN is 3765 times quicker than the latest zk-SNARK-based non-interactive method vCNN and 12 times faster than the latest sumcheck-based interactive technique zkCNN in terms of proving time.

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