This project propose a two hybrid multi output buck-boost quasi z-source converters (q-ZSCs) capable of giving two dc and one ac outputs simultaneously from a single dc input. One dc and the ac outputs of the proposed multi output q-ZSCs have both buck and boost capability and the other dc output has the property of boosting the input voltage, thereby capable of giving a wide range of voltage gain both for dc and ac outputs. The rationale behind proposing two variants of the hybrid multi output q-ZSCs is to have more flexibility on voltage gains as per the load requirements. The proposed converters are derived from the quasi z-source concept and hence inherit all the properties of q-ZSI which realize buck/boost, single stage inversion, and power conditioning with improved reliability along with inherent shoot through protection capability. All the three outputs of the proposed converters can be independently controlled making them suitable for various applications. The proposed converters can be utilized for various modern multi output DC-DC and DC-AC power conversion applications such as Renewables and the Uninterrupted Power Supplies. Detailed steady state operation, loss/efficiency analysis of the proposed converter and discussion on the hybrid pulse width modulation is proposed in the project. In order to bring out the advantages of the proposed multi output converter, a detailed comparative analysis among the proposed and other closely related existing multi output converters is carried out in the project. A 310 W prototype is developed to verify the performance of the proposed multi output buck-boost q-ZSC.