This paper explores the synergistic role of Distributed Resources (DR), including Distributed Generation (DG) and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), in enhancing modern power systems’ sustainability, reliability, and flexibility. It addresses the gap in concurrent distribution network reconfiguration and DR allocation, especially under the variability of renewable energy. The study aims to minimize energy costs, losses, and voltage deviations by integrating wind and solar PV-type DGs with BESS. A novel multi-objective function and an improved bi-directional coevolutionary (I-BiCo) Algorithm are employed to find the optimal RES and BESS placement and sizing, showing marked improvements over existing methods. Furthermore, statistical comparisons using hypervolume, objective function values (diversity), and near-global solutions (convergence) underscore the proposed algorithm’s superiority over existing MOEAs. The final non-dominated solution, obtained through fuzzy set theory, highlights simulation results that minimize power loss, achieve substantial energy savings, and smooth demand, particularly with the integration of BESS devices. Moreover, optimal network reconfiguration (ONR) is a key strategy for balancing load demand. Simulation results affirm that minimizing bi-objective and tri-objective functions, coupled with optimal feeder reconfiguration, significantly reduces power loss and enhances voltage profiles, approaching unity across all buses. The proposed ONR formulation, in conjunction with DGs and BESS, maximizes the overall performance of power distribution networks. Furthermore, the paper addresses various time-dependent constraints of BESS, DG, and ONR, formulating and efficiently solving these constraints by integrating different constraint-handling techniques with the proposed multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The study contributes to academic discourse and provides practical insights for designing more efficient and sustainable power systems…