The continuation power flow method (CPF) has been extensively used for obtaining the static voltage stability limit of power systems, which provides important guidance for the stable operation. However, the conventional CPF cannot account for the dynamic characteristics of renewable power generation, thus resulting in prominent errors for renewable power generation-penetrated power systems. In this brief, we investigate the static voltage stability assessment (SVSA) of power systems with high penetration of renewable power generation (RPG). An extended Jacobian matrix is firstly established by considering the dynamic characteristics of synchronous generators (SG) and renewable power generation in constant AC voltage control mode (CVRPG). Based on the extended Jacobian matrix, an extended CPF method is proposed for SVSA of the power system and a reactive power sensitivity index is proposed to indicate the voltage support capability of nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed extended CPF method has higher accuracy than conventional CPF in assessing the static voltage stability of power systems with high penetration of RPG. It is also revealed that the voltage support capability of each node rises as the proportion coefficient is increases.