Wireless Power Transfer technology has been a research and industrial hotspot with applications in many areas, such as wireless electric vehicle charging system which requires high power, high efficiency and high power factor. Usually, the power is drawn from 50/60 Hz single phase or three phase AC power source. For a high power application, a three phase AC source is commonly used. In this project propose, a three phase single stage wireless power transfer resonant converter with power factor correction and bus voltage control is proposed to improve efficiency and power quality of three phase input, and reduce production cost and complexity for high power wireless power transfer system. A T-type topology is applied as the common part to perform both the power factor correction and DC-DC wireless power transfer functionalities simultaneously. The proposed converter is much more advantageous than conventional three phase two stage wireless power transfer converter with individual power factor corrector. Besides, three phase single stage topologies have better power quality than single phase single stage topologies because zero-sequence components can be naturally eliminated.