Two-stage isolated bidirectional ac–dc resonant converter consists of a front-end hard-switched ac–dc power factor correction (PFC) rectifier/inverter followed by a soft-switched bidirectional dc–dc resonant converter. The switching frequency of the ac–dc stage is limited due to hard switching. This article presents a novel low device count isolated bidirectional multilevel bridge tapped resonant (MBTR) ac–dc converter for battery-to-grid integration. It is a unique integration of an ac–dc three-level diode-clamped converter followed by an isolated dc–dc bidirectional converter in which the two stages operate in a decoupled fashion so that the ac–dc stage operates with continuous conduction mode without imposing any variation of the duty cycle of the dc–dc stage. Resonant currents realize natural soft switching. A novel space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) technique is proposed to control dc-link voltage and bidirectional power flow. The proposed converter, modulation scheme, and control are validated with a 12-kW prototype. The ac voltage varies from 400 to 480 V, and the output battery voltage variation is 550–800 V. A peak efficiency of 95.8% is achieved while operating at 85–95-kHz switching frequency.